Joshua Zitser

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Business News

A Woman Rented Out Her $1.7M L.A. Home — Then Her Tenant Left the Country and Turned It Into an Illegal Airbnb: Report

The homeowner, a Netflix executive, thought he was the "perfect tenant" until she discovered her home was being used as an illegal Airbnb for at least 16 months.

Business News

A Vegan Restaurant Is Switching to Serving Meat, Saying Plant-Based Eating Isn't Enough to Save the Planet

Several formerly all-vegan restaurants in Los Angeles have shifted to incorporating meat in recent years, citing financial factors.

Business News

A Woman Who Won $187 Million in a Lottery Severed Ties With Her Family After She Said They Became 'Demanding and Greedy'

She gave her family about $20 million, but they have since "lost touch with where they've come from."

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